Getting Paid

Pay Periods

As a reminder our pay periods are from the 11th - 25th of one month and the 26th to the 10th of the next month. Any games that have a match review completed during that pay period window will be paid for that pay period (unless of course the Arbiter username and account number are not listed correctly in Affinity). For the 11th - 25th pay period payment will be made on the 30th and for the 26th - 10th pay period payment will be made on the 15th. Match Reviews must be completed for a referee to be paid. If the 15th and 30th fall on the weekend payment will be made on the Friday before the weekend. 

Example: April 15th is pay day for matches from March 26th to April 10th.

Example: April 30th is pay day for matches from April 11th to April 25th.

Please make sure that your Arbiter Account Number and Arbiter Username are correctly listed in your Affinity Referee Account. If you're unsure what your Arbiter Account Number and Username are please contact Arbiter at 801-576-1251. 

If you've been getting paid regularly through Arbiterpay with no problems in past seasons then your account information is correct.  

Current Pay Scale

UYSA approved a new pay scale for our referees that went into effect in the fall of 2022. Below is the new scale: 

The fees are: 

U09/U10 - $35 Center

U11-U12 - $40 Center $26 AR

U13-U14 - $45 Center $30 AR

U15-U16 - $55 Center $35 AR

U17-U19 - $60 Center $40 AR 

All Youth Referees Must Be Registered in ArbiterPay and then Affinity

ALL REFEREES MUST BE REGISTERED IN ARBITERPAY and then AFFINITY to be assigned games and get paid.

A.) Pre-requisites to setting up a ArbiterPay account

B.) How to set up ArbiterPay and Affinity accounts through UYSA 

   Please refer to this document from UYSA.

C.) Referees must file report to get paid

The following video shows the game reporting process: